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EntryStore Benchmark

The purpose of this benchmark is a volume/speed testing of synthetic data loaded directly into Entrystore, without REST API endpoints. It uses RDF4j storage engine with its API.

Further documentation can be found here

Synthetic data

Data is generated with the help of Java Faker library The time for generating the data depends on the environment setup, but does not depend on the RDF4j storage, modulo or other processing variables.

There are two types of data models to be generated: simple or complex. See the documentation above for further information on these models.

Simple oject model = 10 triples = 2 Entries

Model of a Person with identifier, firstName, lastName and iterator. Every Person has an Address with identifier, iterator, street, city, zip.

Complex object model = 43 triples = 8 Entries

Extended Simple model with Person having age, phone. On top of having Address, every Person has a Spouse and owns a Company. Spouse is another Person with same properties. Company has identifier and legalName, but also an Address.

Benchmark modules

Benchmark commons

  • Abstract module that contains common logic used by other benchmark modules. It also contains default configuration, data models and synthetic data generator.

RDF4j benchmark

  • This benchmark is an implementation using RDF4j API directly. It inserts and then reads the generated data from triplestore, based on storage type (memory, native or lmdb).

Entrystore benchmark

  • This benchmark is an implementation using Entrystore API, which is a wrapper around RDF4j API, and adds additional logic, entries and context management and ACL layer. This is the benchmark which should be run to get proper comparable results.

Solr benchmark

  • This benchmark ads additional overhead to Entrystore benchmark with Solr indexing turned on. Solr indexing is performed asynchronously, and so the whole benchmark waits until last entry is sent to Solr, and not until Solr really indexes it. The results so far have shown, that Solr is not adding critical speed overhead.


  • A Java Runtime Environment, version 11 or higher.


  • This is a runnable application, you do not need to install anything.


  • java -jar benchmark-entrystore-5.5-SNAPSHOT.jar
  • -s type of store. You can choose from native, memory, or experimental lmdb. The store folder is created temporarily during runtime, then removed right after benchmark is done with the reading part.
  • -u size of the universe. How many objects should be generated and inserted.
  • -c complexity of the model. simple is default.
  • -t transaction boolean switch, true is default. RDF4j can store data in 1 big transaction, or, each object can be stored in a separate transaction. Entrystore can use only multiple transactions, due to extra processing of the object in context etc.
  • -a ACL boolean switch, false is default. ACL is adding some overhead, therefore needs to be tested as well. When turned on, all objects are stored with admin privileges.
  • -m modulo, by which the whole universe is divided in batches. Each batch is then logged as well, so the insert operation time can be seen after each batch is being inserted.
  • -i intercontexts boolean switch, false is default. Entrystore can create contexts for various objects. With this switch on, the benchmark will create new context for every batch per modulo. If off, only 1 context is being used.

  • e.g. -a true -s native -c simple -t true -u 10000 -i true -m 500

    • Then 10 000 universe is split into 20 contexts, each has 500 simple objects, which equals to 1000 entries. Together 20 000 entries.
  • e.g. -a true -s native -c complex -t true -u 10000 -i true -m 500
    • Then 10 000 universe is split into 20 contexts, each has 500 complex objects, which equals to 4000 entries. Together 80 000 entries.
usage: benchmark [-a <ACL>] [-c <COMPLEXITY>] [-i <INTERCONTEXTS>] [-m
       <MODULO>] -s <STORE> [-t <TRANSACTION>] -u <UNIVERSE>
  -a,--acl <ACL>                       Run with ACL: @boolean.
  -c,--complexity <COMPLEXITY>         Complexity of universe/objects to
                                       process: 'complex' | 'simple'.
  -i,--intercontexts <INTERCONTEXTS>   Run with interim contexts:
  -m,--modulo <MODULO>                 Record intermediate requests with
                                       modulo: @int.
  -s,--store <STORE>                   Type of store: 'native' | 'memory'
                                       | 'lmdb'.
  -t,--transaction <TRANSACTION>       Run with multiple transactions:
  -u,--universe <UNIVERSE>             Size of universe/objects to
                                       process: @int.