
import GraphResource from './Graph.js';
import Pipeline from './Pipeline.js';
import PrototypeEntry from './PrototypeEntry.js';
import Resource from './Resource.js';
import StringResource from './String.js';
import types from './types.js';

 * Methods for interacting with the EntryStore repository scoped to a specific context.
 * @exports store/Context
export default class Context extends Resource {
   * @param {string} entryURI - URI to an entry where this resource is contained.
   * @param {string} resourceURI - URI to the resource.
   * @param {EntryStore} entryStore - the API's repository instance.
  // eslint-disable-next-line no-useless-constructor
  constructor(entryURI, resourceURI, entryStore) {
    super(entryURI, resourceURI, entryStore);

   * Retrieves a list of entries in the context.
   * @param {Object} sort - same sort object as provided in the optionalLoadParams to
   * @link EntryStore#getEntry getEntry method.
   * @param {Object} limit - same limit as provided in the optionalLoadParams to
   * {@see EntryStore#getEntry getEntry} method.
   * @param {integer} page - unless limit is set to -1 (no pagination) we need to specify
   * which page to load, first page is 0.
   * @returns {Promise.<Entry[]>} upon success the promise returns an array of entries.
   * @see EntryStore#getListEntries
  listEntries(sort, limit, page) {
    return this.getEntryStore().getListEntries(`${this._resourceURI}/entry/_all`, sort, limit, page);

   * Convenience method, to retrieve an entry from this context.
   * @param {string} entryId
   * @param {object} optionalLoadParams same parameter as in {@see EntryStore#getEntry}
   * @returns {Promise.<Entry>}
   * @see EntryStore#getEntry
  getEntryById(entryId, optionalLoadParams = {}) {
    return this.getEntryStore().getEntry(this.getEntryURIbyId(entryId), optionalLoadParams);

   * Expands the given entry id into a full URI.
   * @param {string} entryId
   * @returns {string} the URI for an entry in this context with the given id.
  getEntryURIbyId(entryId) {
    return this.getEntryStore().getEntryURI(this.getId(), entryId);

   * Factory method to create a PrototypeEntry that has the current context as container.
   * Call {@link PrototypeEntry#commit commit} on the PrototypeEntry to actually create it
   * (returns a promise).
   * @param {string=} id - id for the entry, fails after commit if an entry exists already with
   * this id.
   * @returns {PrototypeEntry}
  newEntry(id) {
    return new PrototypeEntry(this, id);

   * Factory method to create a PrototypeEntry that corresponds to a local named resource that
   * has the current context as container.
   * Call {@link PrototypeEntry#commit commit} on the PrototypeEntry to actually create it
   * (returns a promise).
   * @param {string=} id - id for the entry, fails after commit if an entry exists already
   * with this id.
   * @returns {PrototypeEntry}
  newNamedEntry(id) {
    return new PrototypeEntry(this, id).setResourceType(types.RT_NAMEDRESOURCE);

   * Factory method to create a PrototypeEntry that corresponds to a link that has the
   * current context as container.
   * Call {@link PrototypeEntry#commit commit} on the PrototypeEntry to actually create
   * it (returns a promise).
   * @param {string} link - the URI for the resource we are making a link to, mandatory.
   * @param {string=} id - id for the entry, fails after commit if an entry exists already
   * with this id.
   * @returns {PrototypeEntry}
  newLink(link, id) {
    return new PrototypeEntry(this, id).setResourceURI(link).setEntryType(types.ET_LINK);

   * Factory method to create a PrototypeEntry that is a linkref that has the current context
   * as container. Call {@link PrototypeEntry#commit commit} on the PrototypeEntry to
   * actually create it (returns a promise).
   * @param {string} link - is the URI for the resource we are making a link to, mandatory.
   * @param {string} metadataLink - is the URI for the metadata are referring to, mandatory.
   * @param {string=} id - id for the entry, fails after commit if an entry exists already
   * with this id.
   * @returns {PrototypeEntry}
  newLinkRef(link, metadataLink, id) {
    return new PrototypeEntry(this, id)

   * Factory method to create a PrototypeEntry that is a reference and has the current
   * context as container. Call {@link PrototypeEntry#commit commit} on the
   * PrototypeEntry to actually create it (returns a promise).
   * The only difference to the newLinkRef method is that the EntryType is Reference instead
   * of LinkReference which implies that there is no local metadata.
   * @param {string} link - the URI for the resource we are making a link to, mandatory.
   * @param {string} metadataLink - the URI for the metadata are referring to, mandatory.
   * @param {string=} id for the entry, fails after commit if an entry exists already with
   * this id.
   * @returns {PrototypeEntry}
  newRef(link, metadataLink, id) {
    return new PrototypeEntry(this, id)

   * Factory method to create a PrototypeEntry whose resource is a {@link List List)
   * and has the current context as container.
   * Call {@link PrototypeEntry#commit commit} on the PrototypeEntry to actually create
   * it (returns a promise).
   * @param {string} id an optional id for the entry, fails on commit if an entry exists already
   * with this id.
   * @returns {PrototypeEntry}
  newList(id) {
    return new PrototypeEntry(this, id).setGraphType(types.GT_LIST);

   * Factory method to create a PrototypeEntry whose resource is a {@link Graph Graph}
   * and has the current context as container.
   * Call {@link PrototypeEntry#commit commit} on the PrototypeEntry to actually create it
   * (returns a promise).
   * @param {rdfjson/Graph|{}} graph - graph to store as a resource.
   * @param {string=} id - id for the entry, fails upon commit if an entry exists already
   * with this id.
   * @returns {PrototypeEntry}
  newGraph(graph = {}, id) {
    const prototypeEntry = new PrototypeEntry(this, id).setGraphType(types.GT_GRAPH);
    const entryInfo = prototypeEntry.getEntryInfo();
    prototypeEntry._resource = new GraphResource(entryInfo.getEntryURI(), entryInfo.getResourceURI(),
      this.getEntryStore(), graph);

    return prototypeEntry;

   * Factory method to create a PrototypeEntry whose resource is a {@link String String}
   * that has the current context as container.
   * Call {@link PrototypeEntry#commit commit} on the PrototypeEntry to actually create
   * it (returns a promise).
   * @param {string=} str an optional string for the String Resource.
   * @param {String} id an optional id for the entry, fails upon commit if an entry exists
   * already with this id.
   * @returns {PrototypeEntry}
  newString(str, id) {
    const prototypeEntry = new PrototypeEntry(this, id).setGraphType(types.GT_STRING);
    const entryInfo = prototypeEntry.getEntryInfo();
    prototypeEntry._resource = new StringResource(entryInfo.getEntryURI(),
      entryInfo.getResourceURI(), this.getEntryStore(), str);

    return prototypeEntry;

   * Factory method to create a PrototypeEntry whose resource is a
   * {@link Pipeline pipeline} that has the current context as container.
   * Call {@link PrototypeEntry#commit commit} on the PrototypeEntry to actually create it
   * (returns a promise).
   * @param {String} id an optional id for the entry, fails upon commit if an entry exists
   * already with this id.
   * @returns {PrototypeEntry}
  newPipeline(id) {
    const prototypeEntry = new PrototypeEntry(this, id).setGraphType(types.GT_PIPELINE);
    const entryInfo = prototypeEntry.getEntryInfo();
    prototypeEntry._resource = new Pipeline(entryInfo.getEntryURI(), entryInfo.getResourceURI(), this.getEntryStore(), {});

    return prototypeEntry;

   * The name for this context.
   * @returns {string}
  getName() {
    return this._name;

   * Change of context name, succeeds if name is not in use already by another context.
   * @param {string} name
   * @returns {Promise.<string>}
  async setName(name) {
    const oldName = this._name;
    this._name = name;
    try {
      const promise = this.getEntryStore().getREST().put(`${this.getEntryURI()}/name`, JSON.stringify({ name }));
      this.getEntryStore().handleAsync(promise, 'setContextName');
      await promise;
      const entry = this.getEntry(true);
      if (entry) {
        entry.getEntryInfo()._name = name;
      return name;
    } catch (e) {
      this._name = oldName;
      throw e;
   * Finds the user or group that has this context as homecontext if any.
   * @returns {Promise.<Entry>} if succeeds if context a homecontext of some user or group.
   * @async
  async getHomeContextOf() {
    const contextEntry = await this.getEntry();
    const es = contextEntry.getEntryStore();
    const groupResourceArr = contextEntry.getReferrers('store:homeContext');
    if (groupResourceArr.length > 0) {
      return es.getEntry(es.getEntryURIFromURI(groupResourceArr[0]));
    throw new Error('No user or group that has this context as home context');

   * @param data
   * @private
  _update(data) {
    this._name = data.alias ||; // TODO, change to only name after clean-up