add(predicate, object) → {Entry}
- Description:
Same as entry.getMetadata().add(entry.getResourceURI(), predicate, o) but instead of returning the created statement it returns the entry itself, allowing chained method calls.
- Source:
Name | Type | Description |
predicate |
string | the predicate |
object |
object | the object |
- Type
- Entry
addD(predicate, literal, datatype) → {Entry}
- Description:
Same as entry.getMetadata().addD(entry.getResourceURI(), predicate, literal, lang) but instead of returning the created statement it returns the entry itself, allowing chained method calls.
- Source:
Name | Type | Description |
predicate |
string | the predicate |
literal |
string | the literal value |
datatype |
string | the datatype (should be a string) |
- Type
- Entry
addL(predicate, literal, language) → {Entry}
- Description:
Same as entry.getMetadata().addL(entry.getResourceURI(), predicate, literal, lang) but instead of returning the created statement it returns the entry itself, allowing chained method calls.
- Source:
Name | Type | Description |
predicate |
string | the predicate |
literal |
string | the literal value |
language |
string | an optional language |
- Type
- Entry
canAdministerEntry() → {boolean}
- Type
- boolean
canReadMetadata() → {boolean}
- Description:
Is the current user authorized to read the metadata of this entry?
- Source:
- Type
- boolean
canReadResource() → {boolean}
- Description:
Is the current user authorized to read the resource of this entry?
- Source:
- Type
- boolean
canWriteMetadata() → {boolean}
- Description:
Is the current user authorized to write the metadata of this entry?
- Source:
- Type
- boolean
canWriteResource() → {boolean}
- Description:
Is the current user authorized to write the resource of this entry?
- Source:
- Type
- boolean
(async) commitCachedExternalMetadata() → {Promise.<Entry>}
- Description:
Pushes the current cached external metadata graph for this entry to the repository.
- Source:
a promise that on success will contain the current updated entry.
- Type
- Promise.<Entry>
(async) commitMetadata() → {Promise.<Entry>}
- Description:
Will push the metadata for this entry to the repository. If metadata has been set for an entry with EntryType 'reference' the entry type will change to 'linkreference' upon a successful commit.
- Source:
a promise that on success will contain the current updated entry.
- Type
- Promise.<Entry>
(async) del(recursive) → {Promise}
Name | Type | Default | Description |
recursive |
boolean |
if true and the entry is a list it will delete the entire tree of lists and all entries that is only contained in the current list or any of its child lists. |
which on success indicates that the deletion has succeeded.
- Type
- Promise
getAllMetadata() → {rdfjson/Graph}
- Description:
Provides all metadata, different behaviour depending on entry type:
- local - local metadata, i.e. getMetadata()
- link - local metadata, i.e. getMetadata()
- reference - cached external metadata, i.e. getCachedExternalMetadata()
- linkReference - new graph which is a combination of cached external metadata and local metadata
- Source:
- Type
- rdfjson/Graph
getCachedExternalMetadata() → {rdfjson/Graph}
- Description:
Cached external metadata can only be provided for entries with entry type reference or link reference.
- Source:
- a RDF graph with cached external metadata, typically containing statements about the resourceURI. The returned graph may be empty but never null or undefined.
- Type
- rdfjson/Graph
getContext() → {Context}
- Type
- Context
getEntryInfo() → {EntryInfo}
- Type
- EntryInfo
getEntryStore() → {EntryStore}
- Type
- EntryStore
getExtractedMetadata() → {rdfjson/Graph}
- Type
- rdfjson/Graph
getId() → {string}
- Description:
Convenience method, same as calling entry.getEntryInfo().getId()
- Source:
- See:
- EntryInfo#getId
the id of the entry
- Type
- string
getLinkedEntry() → {Promise.<Entry>|undefined}
- Description:
Is the entry is a link to another entry (as either a link, linkreference or reference) the linked to entry is returned in a promise.
- Source:
undefined only if the entry does not link to another entry.
- Type
- Promise.<Entry> | undefined
getMetadata() → {rdfjson/Graph}
a RDF graph with metadata, typically containing statements about the resourceURI. The returned graph may be empty but never null or undefined.
- Type
- rdfjson/Graph
getParentGroups() → {Array.<string>}
- Description:
a list of entry URIs corresponding to groups where this user entry is member.
- Source:
- Type
- Array.<string>
getParentLists() → {Array.<string>}
- Description:
a list of entry URIs corresponding to list entries where this entry is contained.
- Source:
- Type
- Array.<string>
getReferrers(prop) → {Array.<string>}
- Description:
a list of URIs that has referred to this Entry using various properties.
- Source:
Name | Type | Description |
prop |
string |
- Type
- Array.<string>
getReferrersGraph() → {rdfjson/Graph}
- Type
- rdfjson/Graph
getResource() → {Resource|Promise.<Resource>}
- Description:
Provides the resource for this entry if it exists in a promise, e.g. if the graph-type is not none. It is also possible to request the resource directly, i.e. get the resource rather than a promise. This is achieved by specifying the "direct" parameter as true. This always work for Lists, Groups, and Context resources. For all other resources it will work if the resource, e.g. a Graph, a String etc. is already loaded. If it is not loaded null will be returned.
- Source:
- Type
- Resource | Promise.<Resource>
getResourceURI() → {string}
- Description:
Convenience method, same as calling entry.getEntryInfo().getResourceURI()
- Source:
a URI to the resource of this entry.
- Type
- string
getURI() → {string}
- Description:
Convenience method, same as calling entry.getEntryInfo().getEntryURI()
- Source:
- See:
- EntryInfo#getEntryURI
the entry uri.
- Type
- string
isContext() → {boolean}
- Type
- boolean
isExternal() → {boolean}
- Description:
Is the entry of the EntryType link, linkreference or reference? That is, the resource can be controlled via EntryInfo#setResourceURI.
- Source:
true if entrytype is NOT local.
- Type
- boolean
isGraph() → {boolean}
- Type
- boolean
isGroup() → {boolean}
- Type
- boolean
isInformationResource() → {boolean}
- Type
- boolean
isLink() → {boolean}
- Type
- boolean
isLinkReference() → {boolean}
- Type
- boolean
isLinkToEntry() → {boolean}
- Description:
Is the entry a local link/linkreference/reference to another entry in the repository. That is, true if the entry is a link, linkreference or reference AND the resource URI belongs to another entry in the same repository.
- Source:
- Type
- boolean
isList() → {boolean}
- Type
- boolean
isLocal() → {boolean}
- Description:
Is the EntryType local, i.e. the resources URI is maintained automatically by the repository for this entry. Opposite to Entry#isLinkLike.
- Source:
- Type
- boolean
isNamedResource() → {boolean}
- Type
- boolean
isNone() → {boolean}
- Type
- boolean
isPipeline() → {boolean}
- Type
- boolean
isPipelineResult() → {boolean}
- Description:
Is the resource of this entry of the GraphType pipelineresult?
- Source:
- Type
- boolean
isPrivateTo() → {boolean|undefined}
- Description:
Whether this entry is available to the specified user. To make sure this method returns a boolean and not undefined, make sure that the contexts entry is loaded, e.g. via:
entry.getContext().getEntry().then(function() { //And then do you check, e.g.: entry.getEntryStore().getUserEntry().then(function(currentUserEntry) { if (entry.isPrivateTo(currentUserEntry) {...} }) }
- Source:
undefined if the contexts entry which specifies the default access is not cached, otherwise a boolean is returned.
- Type
- boolean | undefined
isPublic() → {boolean|undefined}
- Description:
Whether this entry is available publically or not. To make sure this method returns a boolean make sure the contexts entry is loaded, e.g. via: entry.getContext().getEntry().then(function() { if (entry.isPublic()) {...} //Or whatever you need to do with the isPublic method. }
- Source:
undefined only if the entry has no ACL and the contexts entry which specifies the default access is not cached, otherwise a boolean is returned.
- Type
- boolean | undefined
isReference() → {boolean}
- Type
- boolean
isResultList() → {boolean}
- Type
- boolean
isString() → {boolean}
- Type
- boolean
isSystemContext() → {boolean}
- Description:
Is the resource of this entry of the GraphType systemcontext?
- Source:
- Type
- boolean
isUser() → {boolean}
- Type
- boolean
needRefresh() → {boolean}
- Description:
Tells whether an entry needs to be refreshed.
- Source:
- See:
- Entry#refresh.
true if the entry need to be refreshed before used.
- Type
- boolean
projection(mappings, multipleValueStyle) → {Object}
- Description:
Retrieves a projection, a plain object with simple attribute value pairs given mapping. The subject will always be the resource uri of the entry. The mapping is an object where the same attributes appear but with the predicates are values. Hence, each attribute gives rise to a search for all statements with the given subject and the predicate specified by the attribute. The result object will contain the mapping attributes with values from the the first matched statements object value if there are any. To access additional information like multiple statement or the statements (type, language, datatype) a "*" prepended version of each attribute can be provided that contains a list of matching Statements if so indicated by the multipleValueStyle parameter.
- Source:
- See:
- rdfjson/Graph
var proj = entry.projection({
"title": "",
"description": ""
// The object proj now has the attributes title, *title, description, and *description.
// Accessing the title of
// To get hold of additional information available in the statement,
// for instance the language of a literal:
Name | Type | Default | Description |
mappings |
Object | the mapping configuration |
multipleValueStyle |
String |
if provided an array is provided for that property prefixed with "*", the array should be indicated to be either "statements", "values" or "objects". |
- Type
- Object
refresh(silentlyopt, forceopt)
- Description:
Refreshes an entry if needed, that is, if it has been marked as invalid.
- Source:
Name | Type | Attributes | Default | Description |
silently |
boolean |
<optional> |
the cache will send out a refresh message for this entry if a refresh was needed AND if the value of silently is false or undefined. If force is true it will send out a refresh message anyhow. |
force |
boolean |
<optional> |
If true the entry will be refreshed independent if it was marked in need of a refresh or not. |
- Description:
Sets a new cached external metadata graph for this entry without pushing it to the repository.
- Source:
Name | Type | Description |
graph |
rdfjson/Graph | is an RDF graph with metadata. |
Entry - to allow chaining with other methods, e.g. with commitCachedExternalMetadata.
- Description:
Sets a new metadata graph for this entry without pushing it to the repository. In many cases this method is not needed since you can get the metadata graph, modify it and then commit the changes directly.
However, in some cases you need to set a new metadata graph, e.g. you want to overwrite the metadata with a new graph retrieved from another source or the entry have been refreshed with new information and you want to commit the merged results. In these cases you need to discard the current metadata graph with help of this method.
- Source:
Name | Type | Description |
graph |
rdfjson/Graph | is an RDF graph with metadata, if it is not provided the current metadata graph is saved (there is currently no check whether it has been modified or not). |
Entry - to allow chaining with other methods, e.g. with commitMetadata.
- Description:
That an entry needs to be refreshed typically means that it contains stale data (with respect to what is available in the store). The entry should be refresh before it is further used.
- Source:
- See:
- store.Entry#refresh.
Name | Type | Attributes | Default | Description |
silently |
boolean |
<optional> |
the cache will send out a stale message (to all registered listeners of the cache) for this entry if the value is false or undefined. |