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Logged in users may send messages to other users that exist in the system. Currently only e-mail is supported as transport, but this functionality may be extended to an internal messaging mechanism in a future release.


Messages can only be sent to e-mail addresses that are assigned to users in the system. A lookup of the recipient is performed before the message is sent. The from header is automatically set to the e-mail address configured in, whereas the reply-to header is set the e-mail address of the sending user.

Contrary to how messages for signup, password reset, etc. are handled, the generic messaging mechanism is currently not based on server-side provided templates. This means that the client needs to provide the full message body, including HTML and CSS, if a nicely formatted message is to be sent. This may change in the future when other transports in addition to e-mail are implemented.





The following mandatory parameters are supported in a JSON-based request body:

  • transport: Mode of transport, currently only email is supported.
  • to: Username (e-mail address) of recipient, must be assigned to an existing user in the system.
  • subject: The message subject.
  • body: The message body. May contain HTML.


POST https://{base}/store/message
Content-Type: application/json

  "transport": "email",
  "to": "user@in.system",
  "subject": "This is a test message",
  "body": "This is the body of the test message"